14 Finsbury Avenue, Nottingham, NG2 4LL

£650 PCM

2 bedrooms
1 bathrooms

On entrance to the property you are greeted with the first reception room which comes with light grey laminate flooring and light grey walls.

The theme continues into the kitchen, where the open plan kitchen and dining area provides an excellent space to relax and entertain. The kitchen is modern and provides ample worktop space and the combination boiler is situated behind the rear door.

Through the rear door is the rear yard which is well presented and is lined with artificial turf and a doorless shed which is handy for storage.

Upstairs are the two bedrooms, bedroom one is a good size and is neutrally decorated and in keeping with the rest of the property while bedroom two would make a good single room or study.

The bathroom comes with a white suite with shower over bath as well as a wash hand basin and w/c.

Locally there are some excellent local amenities and Nottingham City Centre can be reached on foot in approximately ten minutes. There is also an array of excellent transport services.

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